Display Projects
DIY GPS Clock Using Arduino, LCD & GPS Module
Get the power of an atomic clock by using a GPS receiver (NEO-6M module) and an Arduino. This article will guide you in building a DIY…
Interface DS3231 with ESP32 (MicroPython Code)
This tutorial will guide you to interface the DS3231 RTC module with an ESP32 development board. MicroPython code is used to interface the RTC and interfacing…
Raspberry Pi Pico W with TM1637 7-Segment Display
In this article, you will learn to interface a TM1637 4-digit 7-segment display module using MicroPython code and Raspberry Pi Pico W. We shall see various…
Interface 7-Segment Display with Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython
This article will guide you to connect a 7-segment display with Raspberry Pi Pico W and display digits using MicroPython. The component connections and MicroPython code…
NeoPixel WS2812B RGB LED with Raspberry Pi Pico (MicroPython)
This article will guide you through all the steps required to interface a WS2812B/NeoPixel RGB LED Ring to a Raspberry Pi Pico W development board using…
Raspberry Pi Pico & MAX6675 K-Type Thermocouple (MicroPython)
This article will guide you to interface a K-Type Thermocouple with Raspberry Pi Pico, using the MAX6675 thermocouple-to-digital converter. We will use SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface) to…
Measure Distance Using Raspberry Pi Pico & HC-SR04 (MicroPython)
This guide will demonstrate how to measure distance using Raspberry Pi Pico and HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging module. First, we will display the distance of an obstacle…
Raspberry Pi Pico With SSD1306 OLED Display – MicroPython Example
In this tutorial, we will learn to interface Raspberry Pi Pico with an SSD1306 OLED display easily. MicroPython code is used to interface the two devices.…
Raspberry Pi Pico With BMP280 – MicroPython Guide
In this article, we will learn how to interface the BMP280 temperature and pressure sensor with Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython code. The connection diagram and…
Raspberry Pi Pico With Flow Sensor – MicroPython Example
In this article, we will interface the popular YF-S201 water flow sensor with Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040. We shall use an interrupt to measure the volume…