Embedded Systems
In this section, you will find tutorials on embedded systems & electronics development boards such the Arduino, and Raspberry Pi Pico. A development board is a printed circuit board with a microcontroller/microprocessor and other electronic components onboard. It is designed in a way to make it easier for prototyping hardware and software projects.
Interface Raspberry Pi Pico with Micro SD Card Module (MicroPython Code)
When you want to expand the storage capacity in your Raspberry Pi Pico projects, an SD card is a game changer. An SD card is an…
VL53L0X Arduino Measure Distance | Time-of-Flight Sensor Guide
This tutorial will help you to use the VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensor with Arduino. A Time-of-flight sensor measures the distance of an object by calculating the…
NEO-6M GPS with Raspberry Pi Pico & MicroPython
This tutorial will help you to interface the NEO-6M GPS module with Raspberry Pi Pico/Pico W using MicroPython code. GPS stands for Global Positioning System which…
Arduino GPS Module Guide (NEO-6M | GY-NEO6MV2 | GY-GPS6MV2)
This tutorial will help you to interface the NEO-6M GPS module with Arduino development boards. GPS stands for Global Positioning System which helps us to know…
Interface DS3231 with ESP32 (MicroPython Code)
This tutorial will guide you to interface the DS3231 RTC module with an ESP32 development board. MicroPython code is used to interface the RTC and interfacing…
DS3231 with Raspberry Pi Pico Guide- Arduino & MicroPython Code
This tutorial explains how to interface the DS3231 RTC module with Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython & Arduino code. A real-time clock (RTC) is a dedicated…
Raspberry Pi Pico W Asynchronous Web Server – MicroPython Code
This tutorial explains how to create an asynchronous web server with Raspberry Pi Pico W and MicroPython code. An asynchronous web server can serve multiple client…
MicroPython I2C Guide: Examples Using ESP32 & RPi Pico
In this article, you will learn how to use the I2C communication using MicroPython code. Examples are discussed using ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico development boards.…
MicroPython Timers Tutorial – ESP32, RPi Pico W, ESP8266 Examples
This tutorial will guide you to interface with hardware timers or create virtual timers using MicroPython. The code detailed here can be used for MicroPython-supported boards…
Raspberry Pi Pico RTC DS1302 Tutorial- MicroPython Code
This tutorial will guide you to interface the DS1302 RTC with Raspberry Pi Pico W using MicroPython code. A real-time clock or RTC is an integrated…