Arduino Code Tutorials
Measure AC using Arduino & ACS712 Current Sensor
This tutorial explains how to read alternating current (AC) using Arduino and an ACS712 current sensor. I shall use an Arduino UNO board for demonstration. Learn…
ADS1115 ADC with Raspberry Pi Pico & Arduino Code
This tutorial explains how to interface Raspberry Pi Pico with the ADS1115 external ADC module and use Arduino code to read analog signals. Whether you’re working…
VL53L0X Arduino Measure Distance | Time-of-Flight Sensor Guide
This tutorial will help you to use the VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensor with Arduino. A Time-of-flight sensor measures the distance of an object by calculating the…
DIY GPS Clock Using Arduino, LCD & GPS Module
Get the power of an atomic clock by using a GPS receiver (NEO-6M module) and an Arduino. This article will guide you in building a DIY…
Arduino GPS Module Guide (NEO-6M | GY-NEO6MV2 | GY-GPS6MV2)
This tutorial will help you to interface the NEO-6M GPS module with Arduino development boards. GPS stands for Global Positioning System which helps us to know…
DS3231 with Raspberry Pi Pico Guide- Arduino & MicroPython Code
This tutorial explains how to interface the DS3231 RTC module with Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython & Arduino code. A real-time clock (RTC) is a dedicated…
BME280 Arduino Environment Sensor Interfacing Guide
This tutorial will guide you to interface the BME280 environment sensor with Arduino. The Bosch BME280 is a three-in-one environment sensor that can sense temperature, humidity,…
Program Raspberry Pi Pico using Arduino IDE
This article will guide you to easily upload Arduino code to Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) version. Step-by-step…
PlatformIO Arduino Tutorial | A Beginners Guide Using VS Code
This tutorial will describe how to upload a program to an Arduino board using PlatformIO. Arduino IDE is one of the most widely used software to…
Read Multiple Inputs with One Analog Pin on Arduino (How-to Guide)
In this tutorial, learn how to read multiple analog inputs such as pushbuttons on 1 pin in Arduino using the inbuilt Analog-to-Digital Converter(ADC). Why would we…