Embedded Systems
In this section, you will find tutorials on embedded systems & electronics development boards such the Arduino, and Raspberry Pi Pico. A development board is a printed circuit board with a microcontroller/microprocessor and other electronic components onboard. It is designed in a way to make it easier for prototyping hardware and software projects.
Read Multiple Inputs with One Analog Pin on Arduino (How-to Guide)
In this tutorial, learn how to read multiple analog inputs such as pushbuttons on 1 pin in Arduino using the inbuilt Analog-to-Digital Converter(ADC). Why would we…
Raspberry Pi Pico LCD (I2C) Interfacing Using MicroPython
This article will guide you to interface a 16×2 LCD with Raspberry Pi Pico using an I2C interface. MicroPython code is used here to communicate with…
Raspberry Pi Pico with DHT11 (MicroPython Code)
In this tutorial, we will interface Raspberry Pi Pico with the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor using Micropython. We will discuss a simple script to view…
Arduino With SSD1306 OLED Display Using I2C
In this tutorial, we will interface the SSD1306 OLED display with Arduino using an Arduino library and I2C communication protocol. We shall take an in-depth look…
Raspberry Pi Pico With DHT22 – MicroPython Tutorial
In this tutorial, we will interface Raspberry Pi Pico with the DHT22 sensor module using MicroPython. We will first display the sensor values using serial communication…
Read Raspberry Pi Pico’s Onboard Temperature Sensor (MicroPython Code)
In this tutorial, learn how to read the inbuilt/onboard temperature sensor in Raspberry Pi Pico. First, we shall write a simple MicroPython script to display temperature…